Mission Statement: Partner actively with our customer through our specialized IT Services to provide innovative and sustainable technical solutions to help them increase productivity, reduce costs and minimize risks.
We are in Business to ensure your success in Your Business...By Providing customized IT training specifically designed to remedy the problems hindering your success, providing IT Outsourcing solutions to include Call Center Services and Web based application development to allow your company access to Personnel and Technical resources for "Pennies on the Dollar".
RCSMegaNet was established since 1989, with locations in Biloxi: Mississippi, Baltimore: Maryland, Fayetteville: North Carolina and Cebu: Philippines. RCSMegaNet has been contracted and helping Commercial, Private and Federal Organizations such as; Sprint, MCI, Fort Bragg Military Post, Pope Air Force Base, Department of Transportation, as well as The County School System, Social Security Administration, Philippines, Africa and many others.
Our world class team of professionals and educators consists of Microsoft Certified Trainers And Novell Certified NetWare engineers with years of real world Experience consulting With organizations of all sizes on how to manage IT Networks, IT Outsourcing, Call Center Services and Internet Services. The Director of Operations, Cedric D. Rayford has a Doctorate in Information Technology, Master’s Degree in Computer Information Management and an Undergraduate Degree in Computer Science and over 29 years in the Computer Science Industry.
RCSMegaNet feels it is imperative to provide a quality learning environment, Certified Class material and certified experienced instructors in order to produce a properly Trained individual. For these reasons we have established a “Satisfaction Guaranteed” Policy that enables a student to retake a previous paid course as many times as Necessary based on space availability.
As discussed earlier, RCSMegaNet is looking for training opportunities in the field of information technology, provide guranteed methods via Virtual Office Services and Call Center Services to reduce your operating cost and generate more perspective clients for your company.
Again, we would like to thank you for choosing RCSMegaNet to service your Computer Training and IT Outsourcing needs. We are looking forward to making this a “Great” learning experience For you!
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